Meet The Animals
The animals of Cog Hill are many! We'd like to introduce you to a few fan favorites.
Pot Belly Pig - Birthday: July 6, 2015
The Farm Boss, Peachy, Peach. This girl is the boss of the farm and everyone knows it. Her favorite things are breakfast, naps and scratches. Peaches has settled into the Cog 40 nicely and likes to nap in the hay while getting a back massage from Loki, the Seabright rooster. Peaches is always up to something. Checkout this video of her showing off her skills.

Emu - Birthday: May 18, 2020
Sheriff Nugget, Nuggo, Nugaroo, Nugrassic. He's the Sheriff around these parts and ensures everything is inspected thoroughly, especially boots. Ponytails and jewelry are prohibited by order of the Sheriff.
We found Nugget after trying to hatch emu eggs on the farm. He's the perfect gentleman and was raised in our house from a chick. Learn all about Nugget in this video!

Holstein - Gotcha Day: November 9, 2021
Moo-Man is the biggest addition so far to the new farm. We fell in love the first time we saw him. He's a steer, but acts more like a giant puppy dog. Moody spends his days licking Nugget and playing with the boy goats. He enjoys being brushed, pushing around his ball and giving lots of licks to anyone who gets within tongue range.

Hereford x Charolais x Angus- Birthday: October 22, 2022
Sweet Mildred. She is our second cow here on the farm and a bottle baby calf. Her personality is just starting to blossom as she grows more comfortable with her new home by the day.
Mildred's journey to the farm!

Mini Donkey
Jessie is a precious Miniature Donkey from our friends at Arms Family Homestead. Jessie had some health struggles early on in life and not knowing what the future may hold for her she came to live with us at Cog Hill Farm. See more of her story here!
Named after our friend and star chef, Mr. Scott Peacock. Scott came to the farm as a small chick. His ladies are Ozella, who is unrelated & Ms. Lewis who came to the farm with Scott. Watch the beginning of their story here.
Gus & Loretta
Kune Kune Pigs
Gus and his pal Loretta are a pair of rescues who came to us from Misty Dawn Farm in Florida. They're a bonded pair and are full of mischief! We love having them on the farm. See their story!​
Private Investigating Turkey's (PIT's)
The PIT's assist Sheriff Nugget regularly with keeping order on the farm especially in the "fowl" areas. They love to gobble in unison and will happily gobble back if you greet them with one. We have several generations here on the farm with no end in sight. Thomas is our patriarch and leads the turkey pack well. See them in action!
The Alarm System
Geese & Ducks
Cantaloupe, Sim-Sim, and many more. This gang is best at not keeping the peace. They're the first to let you know you're late (or lets be real it doesn't matter what time it is) for feeding time. They need their "snooze" scoops of feed before anyone else or it's loud honks and quacks from all. Watch Sim-Sim's the gooses story.
The Girl Goats
Capri - PhiPhi- Bootsie - Bo-Peep
The ladies of Cog Hill. The girl goats are the sweethearts and though we all love them, they're Brooke's babies. We hope to have babies on the farm in the near future and plan to milk too.

Nubian Doe
Paris, named by the Cog Squad for her Eiffel Tower shaped markings on her sides is the 2022 daughter of PhePhe & Joe, our Nubians. Paris was born our first summer at the new farm.
Tucker & Pink
Black Cats
Tucker and Pink came from a local shelter. When MaryCarl learned that black cats were the least likely to be adopted, we took home two. Pink likes to sleep during the day and hunt at night. Tucker can be found hanging out with the other animals and waiting for scratches. See how our cats react to us!

The Boy Goats
Tipper - Top - Joe - Moe
If you ever been around a boy goat...then you know. If you haven't, they put out this delightful smelling cologne. On the farm let's just say everyone knows when you've been in the boys paddock! They sure are sweethearts though and we couldn't love them more. See what it's like to have a baby goat in your house!

Victoria Crowned Pigeons
Male & Female Pair
When a fan from Texas contacted us about rehoming a pair of Victoria Crowned pigeons we weren't sure what to expect. The birds are SO COOL, with their feathered heads and bright red eyes. MaryCarl has been working with them as they settle in and they've started building their first nest here on the farm. See their big reveal here!

Marycarl's Aviaries

Victoria Crowned Pigeons

American Fantail Pigeons

Indian Fantail Pigeons

Pouter Pigeons
Voorburg & Horesman Pouters